jared’s topics
Interested in hiring Jared? There are several potential topics below but he can easily customize something for your group if you don't see something that interests you. He can customize topics for TOP PRODUCER and BROKER/MANAGER events as well.
How to win in the new era of real estate
Our industry has endured unprecedented change over the past couple of years. While change is inevitable and much of it is outside of our control, our ability to pivot and adjust to the change is within our control. Come learn from leading speaker and coach, Jared James, on what practical changes will be required moving forward to win for yourself, your consumers and those that rely on you. Come ready to laugh, be motivated and take lots of notes!
How to leverage social media for real followers that turn into actual clients
Like it or not, social media is modern day marketing when used correctly. Whether you are frustrated by social media or just know you can do better, leading speaker and coach, Jared James, is going to show you step by step how to leverage it for real followers that turn into actual transactions. Jared is one of the few people who has actually done this with his own brand and he will be pulling back the curtain on how he did it and how he continues to do it to this day. Come ready to laugh, learn and take lots of notes!
Mastering the 4 pillars of focus to help you dominate through the changing market
The real estate market, consumers and agents overall are experiencing one of the most tumultuous markets in recent history. In this session, leading real estate speaker and coach, Jared James, is going to cover the 4 pillars that you must master if you want to overcome the distractions and ultimately dominate your local market and listing inventory and maintain a predictable business flow. Come ready to learn, laugh and take a lot of notes!
7 Areas to master for a more predictable business
Running a business in today's environment can be not only frustrating, but downright confusing at times with all the changes, pressures and consumer expectations. Jared James breaks down the 7 areas you need to focus on and how to prioritize them in an ever increasingly loud world so you can achieve the financial success and predictability that you desire with your business and life. Jared will help you step outside of the limits that hold most professionals back and limit their ability to grow while detailing the exact steps to take, strategies to implement and principles to follow to find and create clients to add to their businesses, and ultimately, their bottom line. As always, come ready to learn, laugh and be motivated and inspired to implement the moment you leave.
10 specific ways to gain listings right now
With inventory being near all-time lows, one thing that rings true no matter where you are in the world of real estate is that the agent that owns the listings, owns the market. In this extremely hands on and practical session, Jared James will cover 10 different unique and innovative strategies that you can implement from day one to create more listing opportunities for your business. Come ready to take lots of notes and leave with a game plan to dominate the listing inventory in your local market!
The market and consumer behavior has shifted so quickly and drastically that many agents and brokers are left to wonder why they are working harder for lesser results. In THE GAME HAS CHANGED. HAVE YOU? Jared will make clear exactly what’s occurred while also teaching the audience where the opportunities now lie.
While newspapers and billboards used to be the marketing strategy of choice, in today’s world you have to show up on a consumers phone to get their attention. That can be done through video, voice and overall content creation, which doesn’t come easy to most sales people.
If you want your audience to laugh, feel motivated and leave with a real grasp of what the industry is now and walk away with real world strategies to dominate their local market place, then this is the keynote for you.
How to go from solopreneur to running your business
For too long the real estate industry has been one filled with promise but has left many real estate professionals feeling overwhelmed. The more successful they become, the more out of control they feel with their schedule and the predictability of their future growth. If you want your attendees to learn the right systems, people and priorities needed to finally run their businesses and stop running around, this is the session for you!
Teams in real estate are not just a thing of the future; They are happening right now! The unfortunate truth about our industry though is that you go to hours and hours of classes that teach you how to pass a test and get your license, but nobody really teaches you how to run a business.
In HOW TO DEVELOP A TEAM Jared James breaks down how to determine what pace to grow at, when it's time to start hiring, what to look for and how to hire the right people, which hires should come first and what systems are necessary to scale the right way because the stronger and more systematized your team is, the better the talent that you will attract to join it.
Attendees should come ready to take lots of notes because this is a session filled with a lot of hands-on, practical content.
With the changing landscape in the industry and consumer behavior changing just as fast, many agents and brokers left unprepared to convert leads at the level they had become accustomed to during the “referral” years before the internet and cell phones were so prevalent.
In HOW TO CONVERT LEADS LIKE A BOSS Jared will not only break down the changes that have occurred in our industry, but will also cover the exact strategies and techniques that are needed, including the specific words to use and when to use them, to convert leads at double and triple the industry average.
While it’s easier to just say “these leads suck”, it’s much more profitable to learn about them, and more importantly, learn how to convert them from prospects to real customers.
An unfortunate truth is that human nature makes most of us follow the path of least resistance in most, if not all, circumstances. As a result, most agents get stuck in mediocrity living paycheck to paycheck...but that doesn't have to be the case! Come learn the lead process from beginning to end as Jared shows you how to create leads online, separate yourself from your competition and convert buyers and sellers you never would have had a chance with in the past.
Stop RUNNING Around and Start RUNNING Your Business
It's a hard pill to swallow but in real estate you will always make the amount of money that you deserve to make based on the daily patterns that you follow. Unfortunately for most professionals, there schedule is something that they struggle with as much or more than anything else.
In THE DAILY BLUEPRINT Jared breaks down the importance of a schedule in gaining the freedom that they want, what belongs on your schedule and how to set priorities when everything always seems so important.
Come learn from Jared as he lays out the daily blueprint to follow in today's market to increase your revenue and hold onto your life!
Winning a silver medal in most sports is an honor but taking 2nd place in real estate gets you nothing. Unfortunately for too many agents and brokers they are relying on tactics from 20 years ago to win listings today and their potential sellers see right through it.
The quality of the questions that you ask will always determine the quality of the answers that you get. In HOW TO WIN THE LISTING EVERY TIME Jared James will break down the exact phrases and strategies to use to get your potential sellers to focus on your process, not your price, and know that you are the best option for them to get their highest price in the shortest amount of time.
This session has been described by some as the "JEDI FORCE" of listings trainings because attendees learn the exact words to use to persuade their potential sellers to do exactly what they want them to do.
Combining yesterday's principles with today's trends to win right now
An unfortunate trend that is growing everyday is the gap that exists between the way business was once done and how today's professionals perceive it should be done. There are two extremes that exist between the more experienced sales person that believes everything can be accomplished with little help from the fad known as technology, and the younger agent that believes technology is the answer to everything. In Bridging the Gap: Combining Yesterday's Principles with Today's Trends to Win Right Now (in THIS Market), Jared James breaks down the balance that must take place in order for a synergy of the two ways of thinking to occur. He uses a mixture of humor and real life experiences to prove that to win in this market there is a combination of technology that is needed to operate more efficiently, but only to free you up to do the things that have made sales people successful for the past 30 years. This topic is great for attendees of all ages as it will challenge and inspire the more experienced professional to realize that they don't need to be a tech guru to operate in the modern age. At the same time, Jared has a way of reaching out to and relating with the younger professionals in attendance to consider the possibility that technology is not a relationship manager. Ultimately it is their job to cultivate the relationships that will drive their businesses for years to come.
How to win in a shifting market
With all the talk about the market shifting, not enough agents are focused on what really matters; How are YOU shifting to stay ahead of this market and win in 2023 and beyond? We are now entering a pro's market so come learn what you need to do know to remain your consumer's best option and create the predictable business you desire. Be prepared to laugh, be motivated, and leave with tangible strategies to implement the moment you walk away.