Jared James

Here’s his story.
You’ve learned the business side, now learn why Jared does what he does and where his journey started.
His story starts as a typical “entrepreneur”. Early on as a child, Jared didn’t just secure a local paper route to deliver the morning paper; instead he picked up 9 other routes and handed them off to other kids so he could look over it all while scaling his time. As he got older he became an award winning Realtor with no intention of doing anything other than selling real estate. A few years later he was contacted by a publishing company to write a book and after accepting reluctantly, the book was a hit. The awards continued to pile up and Jared started to get asked to speak at events for the first time in his life. It began locally and grew so quickly that he was speaking nationally and internationally before he knew it. Fast forward to the founding of Jared James Enterprises.
Jared lives by the mantra #HustleRedefined because he truly believes that hustle is about more than just working so much that you miss out on the most important people and times in your life. That doesn't mean he doesn't work hard.... he does... but sometimes that means doing a keynote on the other side of the country and then immediately catching a red eye home to be at one of his kids’ activities the next morning. For Jared, it's about using every available minute in a given day and being fully present with whoever he is with.
His combination of enthusiasm, charisma, empathy and drive have allowed him to build one of the largest coaching/training programs in North America, all while being recognized as one of the most influential and powerful people in the industry as well.
But he didn’t stop there… currently Jared’s portfolio includes 5 different companies. In addition to Jared James Enterprises, he also runs:
Cleared and Closed (a transaction coordination company for real estate people all over the globe) www.clearedandclosed.com
FyrstUp (a communicative tool for brokers & their agents that digitizes the traditional white board process to give agents and their buyers access to listings before they hit the MLS in a compliant manner, while making brokers more profitable at the same time) www.fyrstup.com
Broker Assist (think of this as the taskrabbit for real estate… more details to come) www.brokerassist.com
While he loves the grind of building these companies, Jared has a passion for creating great content that gives others the opportunity to create their own success and blaze their own path as well, just as he has done.
Interested in hearing him speak? Connect below and watch his past sessions on YouTube or Instagram or visit the events tab to hire him for your next conference.